
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1- Hmmm....

Not quite sure what I think of this. Kinda creepy with Peeta just standing in the background. (Love it though because this is what I pictured!)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer 2014

Whose summer is going to consist of what is above?? If only, right!? For me this is the summer of finishing some series. I have been holding off on finishing a few series for awhile. But, my goal is to get a few of them done and start a few more.

What series you may ask? Here are just a few:

  • The Mortal Instruments 
  • Shadow and Bone
  • Everneath
  • The Lunar Chronicles
  • Blood Red Road
  • The False Prince
And that is just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Not to mention the Lone Star books I am taking home. 

Want to talk book with me over the summer and keep up with what I am reading? Check out Goodreads! I am always using this for new suggestions and I log my books on there. You can friends me and get some great books to read! 

Last but not least, my summer goals:
1. I want to read half of the books I am bringing home with me. I brought home 60, so I want to finish 30 of them. 
2. I want to blog once every 2 weeks. 
3. I want to read 5 Lone Star books. 

I hope that you all have a fabulous summer...and remember....READ! 

End of the Year Video

Just in case you did not see it!